Tuesday, June 30, 2009

1 Nephi Chapter 2


Vs. 1 the Lord can speak to us in dreams.
Vs. 3 Nephi tells that his father was obedience unto the word of the Lord. I hope to someday have my children say the same of me.
Vs.4 They left by night, because of a dream. I can imagine that by daylight, with the hardness of the trip that some would start to question Lehi. People in our day and age would definately be complaining or murmuring.
Vs. 7 They built an alter and gave thanks, FIRST thing after arriving.
Vs. 12 Why did Laman and Lemuel constantly murmur and complain about everything???
because they knew not the dealings of that God who had created them. When you don't understand something something in the gosple, then you need to study and learn the dealings God. NOT just sit back and continue to complain.
Vs. 14 The first wittness that we know of to Laman and Lemuel. Lehi spoke to them with the spirit until their frames did shake before him. They were rocked by the Spirit of the Lord. They were taught.
Vs. 16 Nephi does the opposite of his brothers, he has great desires to know the mysteries of God. He prays. The Lord visits Nephi, and he did believe all the words of his father.
Vs. 19 What did Nephi have to do to see the Lord??? faith, search diligently, in humility. Were we wise, we would do these very same things.
Vs. 21-21 rebelion = cut off from the Lord, then vs 23 the curse, then a scourge unto the good people. Obedience = ruler and teacher.

Monday, June 22, 2009

1 Nephi chapter 1

Nephi is Speaking

Verse 4 There came many prophets, prophesying Repentence or destruction. Lehi was not the only prophet, but one of many .

Verse 5 Lehi prayed in behalf of the people with all his heart. They were wicked leading to destruction, yet he cared for them, evidenced by his prayer.

Verse 8 Lehi sees God sitting on his thrown with numberless concourses of angles, Jesus and the 12 Apostles. Awesome. Jesus was brighter than the sun at noon day.

Verse 11 His apostles came and "went forth upon the face of the earth" while Jesus brought the book for Lehi to read. What were his apostles doing, where were they going?

Verse 12-13 As he reads out of the book he is filled with the Spirit of the Lord. He knew how Jersusalem would be destroyed, by sword meaining attack from others and be carried away captive. So he went to prophesy unto them of the things he knew, to help them, but they tried to kill him.

Verse 20 The tender mercies of the Lord are over all whom he hath chosen, and have faith. To these he will give deliverence.

Verse 14 God loves us all, "thy power, and goodness, and thy mercy are over all the inhabitants of the earth."